Bexar Portrait No.13 :: @adrigcg
1. What is your current occupation or profession?
I’m the PR and Digital Content Manager at the San Antonio Museum of Art.
2. Where were you born or what are your original roots?
I was born and raised in Mexico City.
3. What are some of your interests or passions in life?
I love spending time in nature and being active. Some of my favorite activities are running, hiking, cycling, yoga, and dancing! I also enjoy taking photos with my film camera. I’m taking a dark room photography class and it’s been really fun learning how to develop and print my own photos! I also love traveling and exploring new places.
4. Do you have a favorite travel destination or a place you call home away from home?
I love the desert and the mountains. I really enjoy spending time in West Texas, particularly the Davis Mountains and Big Bend region. I visited Santa Fe and Taos a few years ago and I fell in love with the landscape—I hope to explore more of New Mexico soon. And of course, I always enjoy going back home to Mexico.
5. What is a piece of advice or life lesson you hold onto?
I've learned to appreciate the little things in life. Taking a moment to pause and notice all the beauty around us can make life pretty magical. It's a simple reminder to stay grounded and find joy in everyday moments.
6. Are there any particular goals or aspirations you are working towards?
One of my main goals this year is to explore my creativity more! Whether it's through painting with natural pigments, film photography, embroidery, or other forms of art, I just want to spend more time creating.
7. Are there specific BEXAR Goods products that you have found to be particularly appealing or useful in your daily life?
The gorilla keeper keychain, watch strap, wallet, BEXAR run crew caps, and my camera strap are some of my favorites!